Thursday, September 27, 2012

Out of traction!

Millie's pins were taken out early this morning at 630! She is doing great and will hopefully have her IV taken out later this afternoon.  Millie's bed was switched out for a crib :) which we love, but she doesn't like one bit! Maybe it's being held, but as soon as she gets laid down she starts crying. So we've been lapping the floor in her wagon, and she's sleeping in it right now :)
Her stents will be taken out tomorrow and her SP tube will be capped off on Saturday, then we are discharged from the hospital! We have Sunday free to lounge around at The Children's House, then on Monday we'll have a quick appointment at the clinic to have her SP tube taken out. After that, we'll be ready to head home! Oh man! It's really exciting that we've finally made it to the near end!

Daddy's first time holding Millie after pin removal!

Millie's first wagon ride. 


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