Thursday, September 27, 2012

Out of traction!

Millie's pins were taken out early this morning at 630! She is doing great and will hopefully have her IV taken out later this afternoon.  Millie's bed was switched out for a crib :) which we love, but she doesn't like one bit! Maybe it's being held, but as soon as she gets laid down she starts crying. So we've been lapping the floor in her wagon, and she's sleeping in it right now :)
Her stents will be taken out tomorrow and her SP tube will be capped off on Saturday, then we are discharged from the hospital! We have Sunday free to lounge around at The Children's House, then on Monday we'll have a quick appointment at the clinic to have her SP tube taken out. After that, we'll be ready to head home! Oh man! It's really exciting that we've finally made it to the near end!

Daddy's first time holding Millie after pin removal!

Millie's first wagon ride. 


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

We're almost done!

Millie gets her pins out on Thursday. Friday both of her stents will be taken out, after an ultra sound the remaining SP tube will be taken out on Saturday, and then BAM we'll be done :)

They told us we should expect to be cleared by the end of the weekend or early next week! We are so happy :D

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Busy weekend!

We've had an awesome time visiting friends at Ft. Belvoir and having my Uncle Joe come down to see us and meet Ms. Millie!

Can't wait til Thursday when Millie's pins come out and we can finally hold our little chunker!

Came in and Millie's head band was over her eyes :P 

Fixed it and she went right back to snoozin! 

Representing her team :D

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

On the downhill slope...

Millie gets her epidural out tomorrow which is the first step in weening her off her pain meds! Also, Urology came by today and let us know that Millie will be getting xrays the beginning of next week and we should expect her pins to be taken out on the 27th! So happy that we're getting closer to getting outta here!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Hopefully 2 more weeks!

Well, Ms. Millie is chuggin' along :) She has been able to keep her feedings up and is still NG tube free! Her IV became infiltrated  so they had to discontinue it, and put another one in her left hand. We got her a special pillow made to help take some of the pressure off her head. The "team" is looking at taking  her x-rays 2 weeks from now, once they do that the pins come out! --and I won't be leaving that hospital room! Me and Millie have 6 weeks of missed cuddle time to make up for :p and I guess Austin can hold her too ;)
 Here she is with her new head pillow! It took her some time to get used to it! 

I am in the process of making Mills a Yoda hat. This is the crocheted hat; I have the ears done but haven't attached them yet... Hopefully I'll finish it today! :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Another day...

Millie has been struggling to meet her feeding goal today. Hopefully she'll be able to make up for her lost time and reach her goal by midnight, but we're afraid that starting to get regularly scheduled Valium has hit her appetite. She needs 510mL of formula each day. Other than that all is well. :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Family Time :)

Labor Day weekend was very exciting for us! We had a lot of family visit and had a great time :)

 Caleb playing XBox.
 Josh with Millie :) 
 Caleb and Austin. 
Aunt Julie and Josh 

Caleb being flung around :P

Oops! Lost his shoe to the harbor. :)

Dad, Cathy, and John come to meet Ms. Millie :) 

Out at The Green Turtle. Pretty decent place. d

Austin and I on the water taxi. A lot of fun!

USS Constellation 

9/11 Memorial, with steel from the World Trade Center and limestone from the Pentagon. 

Donna and Millie! 

Our wrinkly hands side by side :P 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle...

Ms. Millie has been more and more active, which unfortunately isn't good for healing. So she'll start getting valium every 6hrs, and some another as needed. Other than that she is looking wonderful.

We have lots of visitors this weekend! :) Pictures to come :D