Thursday, August 16, 2012

Getting to see Millie

We finally got to see Millie in the PICU, and she is doing AWESOME! The transformation is so amazing and we couldn't be happier or more grateful for all of our surgeons here at Johns Hopkins, especially our pediatric urologist who followed us here from Texas to be apart of the operation, our families and friends. There was definitely a higher power involved in all of this.

Below are pictures of the before and after. They are a bit shocking, I'm sure, but we're so excited and want everyone who wants to see this amazing change have a peek :)

Again, thanks everyone for their continued support and encouragement!


  1. Grateful for the successful procedure! Hope a speedy recovery a life long battle with normal, little girl dramas!! haha

  2. They did a phenomenal job! So glad things went well...please let us know if we can help with anything in any way!

  3. So glad her operation went well. Curtis and I are thinking about all three of you and you are in our prayers.

  4. Looks like they did an amazing job! Johns Hopkins is a great hospital! Lots of love and prayers coming your way.
