Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pre-Op & Waiting :)

Millie was admitted for pre-op last night, and is doing great! She got stuck a bunch while they tried to put in her IV and drawl blood, so obviously we had a pretty angry baby on our hands, luckily that didn't last long and shortly thereafter she was sound asleep. 

This morning has been a long waiting game, she was admitted to the OR around 1000. We expect the surgery to last approximately 6 hrs. 

After her surgery she'll be admitted to the PICU, we are expecting a 1 week stay there, before being transferred to the Pediatrics floor, where we'll be spending the remainder of Millie's hospital stay. 

We'll be posting pictures and updates periodically, and we hope that you find them helpful :) 

Ms. Millie relaxing in the hotel before we got admitted! 

A little unhappy after having blood drawn. 

 Austin and Millie saying goodbye before going into the OR. 


  1. Thanks for sharing! Thoughts and prayers are with you all! And BTW I LOVE her hat!!!!

  2. Such a long day, But the out come was so worth the wait!
