Monday, August 27, 2012

Matt meets Millie !

Austin's good friend Matt got to stop by and see Millie for the first time :)

Trying to get fat :P

Right now Millie's only challenge is eating more, and we're seeing a really big improvement already! We're confident that we'll be able to stay away from a feeding tube :)

Friday, August 24, 2012

No picc line for Millie

Millie went back to the OR today to get her PICC line put in. Well, after 3 hours there was no luck! The PICC nurse was pretty disappointed and said she'd not had this much trouble in a very very long time. The doctors decided to just keep her IJ central cath where it was, rather than attempting to put in an indwelling catheter. Other than that she is doing good, and should be waking up from the anesthesia soon :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Toys :)

Millie got an overhanging arrangement to keep her entertained! Seems to be doing an alright job so far :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Millie has had a great day :) She's able to try and feed and is taking it well :) Getting more and more active each day!

Austin getting some one on one time with the Millster :) 

Monday, August 20, 2012

So Millie got moved up to the Infant Care floor today :) Hooray! and she is now off the oxygen and no longer has her NG tube in, so we can see that pretty face! We're working on getting her entertained. She is loving her mobile and baby einstein. :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

wide eyed :)

Had a fun time chatting with Millie earlier :P She is looking good, and we'll hopefully be moved to the 9th floor.

She was actually moving her arms around and grabbing for us! Too sweet :D

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Saying Hello

Millie has to be given blood and a few other things, her heart rate is still too high, but hopefully this will help. She's getting better every second and has started opening her eyes, looking around and interacting with us, and cooing. She's definitely starting to show her personality again :)

Breathing tube is out.

Millie just got her breathing tube taken out and so far so good. She is breathing completely on her own, hopefully there won't be any issues. :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Still in the PICU...

Millie is still in the PICU. Right now they are working on pain management and we're hopeful that her breathing tube will be taken out sometime tomorrow; they thought that they might have been able to take it out earlier today, but the pain medicine she's on can cause some breathing issues. In spite of that, the levels on her respirator still have her doing most of the work and the settings are relatively low. They are trying to make her as comfortable as possible, and other than a little puffiness in the face, she looks good :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Getting to see Millie

We finally got to see Millie in the PICU, and she is doing AWESOME! The transformation is so amazing and we couldn't be happier or more grateful for all of our surgeons here at Johns Hopkins, especially our pediatric urologist who followed us here from Texas to be apart of the operation, our families and friends. There was definitely a higher power involved in all of this.

Below are pictures of the before and after. They are a bit shocking, I'm sure, but we're so excited and want everyone who wants to see this amazing change have a peek :)

Again, thanks everyone for their continued support and encouragement!

Surgery Update

Millie is still in the OR, it's 1900, but the major parts of her surgery have been completed and were very successful. We're expecting to see her in about an hour.

Pre-Op & Waiting :)

Millie was admitted for pre-op last night, and is doing great! She got stuck a bunch while they tried to put in her IV and drawl blood, so obviously we had a pretty angry baby on our hands, luckily that didn't last long and shortly thereafter she was sound asleep. 

This morning has been a long waiting game, she was admitted to the OR around 1000. We expect the surgery to last approximately 6 hrs. 

After her surgery she'll be admitted to the PICU, we are expecting a 1 week stay there, before being transferred to the Pediatrics floor, where we'll be spending the remainder of Millie's hospital stay. 

We'll be posting pictures and updates periodically, and we hope that you find them helpful :) 

Ms. Millie relaxing in the hotel before we got admitted! 

A little unhappy after having blood drawn. 

 Austin and Millie saying goodbye before going into the OR.